Sunday, November 13, 2011

Alexander Keith's Ambrosia Blonde

             Alexander Keith's released two brew master limited edition beers this summer, the first was a brown ale and the second was the ambrosia blonde, which arrived shortly after Rickard's released their blonde. Their harvest brown was a big success however I think this might be the last time that we see the ambrosia blonde on the shelves. It wasn't a bad beer.

Beer: Alexander Keith's Ambrosia Blonde
Type: Blonde Ale
Alcohol: 5.2% apv
Price: $3.95 for a 473ml can

Aroma: The aroma is mild and slightly floral. There you can certainly    get a good nose-full of hops, but it doesn't over-power the malts

Appearance: The beer is a deeper golden colour. After the initial pour there was no head retention whatsoever.

Taste: You can taste the difference that all-malt brewing can make. This beer was really good. I had tried the Rickard's blonde before and I had expected a similar taste however its a much more mild and rich beer in comparison. It has a little bit of a sweet after-taste but the hops really help round off the flavours.

Mouthfeel: The beer is over-carbonated, probably to appeal to the summer crowd. Big bubbles hit your tongue almost immediately. It has a little bit more body than your typical Keith's IPA, but it still isn't what I would consider a medium bodied beer like they advertised.

Drinkability: Like I said before it's a over-carbonated which means that if you wanted to have more than 2 or three you are going to bloat up like a parade balloon. Besides that, it has a wonderful finish and its easy to drink  a half dozen of them.

        I think with a blonde beer, people know what to expect, however this wasn't at all what i expected. I was anticipating Keith's IPA with maybe some extra hops. What I found was a richer beer, a little bit drier than  their IPA and a more complex flavours. All that being said, its slightly above your standard blonde ale.

Alexander Keith's Ambrosia Blonde
3 / 5

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