Maximizing Your Beer Experiance

   Beer comes in all kinds of shapes, sizes, colours, and flavours. So what separates an everyday beer, from a great beer. To some there may be no such thing as a bad beer however I assure you, drink enough and you will find a beer that you do not like. We all know someone, or perhaps you are the type of person who finds that one brand of beer, and drinks that brand all of your life. That's not my cup of tea, but I believe that everyone is entitled to enjoy their own favourite beers; even if that beer is flavourless, over-carbonated, served as cold as possible, and has very little to do with beer at all.  Beer is made all over the world and even in a country as small as Belgium you can find many varieties of beer. There are so many beers to chose from and not all beer appeals to everyone so I hope when I say, or don't approve of any specific beer, that readers won't be too offended
            I rate a beer based on a few things. Appearance, Aromas, Taste or flavour, and Drinkability. It's pretty straight forward. Appearance is simply how the beer looks. Aromas are how a beer smells. Taste is what kind of flavours and body exists in the beer. Drinkability is how easy drinking the beer is. I love a strong stout with all my heart, but anyone who has ever had a stout knows it's hard to drink more than a few, even on an empty stomach. All of these things add up to the overall experience of the beer which I score on a scale of 0-5, 0 being carbonated pony piss and 5 being nectar of the gods.

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