Thursday, December 1, 2011

Quidi Vidi 1892

Product:   Quidi Vidi 1892 Traditional Ale
Producer: Quidi Vidi Brewery
Made In:   St. John's, NL, Canada
Style:       Amber Ale
Alcohol:    5% alc./vol.
Price:       $13.69 / 6pk

     Quidi Vidi (QV) 1892 is an interpretation of a traditional ale recipe found in St. John's, Newfoundland. The beer gets its name from the St. John's fire in 1892, which is around the same time that the original recipe would have been used. This beer is made with 2-row malt and European hops which would have been from the traditional English style recipe.

     The beer poured to form a nice off white head which dissipated into just a film. It was perfectly clear and was a light to medium amber colour.

     The aroma was very sweet with caramelized malt. The fruity esters coming from the ale yeast were also noticable. This was the first QV beer that I could easily detect the floral hops. 

     The flavour was very sweet at first and developed into a more bitter flavour as the hops came in. The brewery advertises that it is generously hopped however i believe that this is only true in comparison with domestic lagers and lighter beers, the hops were mild but pleasant. The beer was a bit sweeter but the extra bitterness balanced this out nicely.

     I was hoping for something a little fuller bodied, and something truer to a traditional English-style however I found the body was quite light to medium at best. I found that 1892 was also very overcarbonated and it was difficult to get a good taste because of all the bubbles.

     The flavour and aromas of the beer were very pleasant, and the lighter body sits very well however it was a bit overcarbonated. This would be more sessionable if it were less carbonated

     I have to confess after I tried the beer as it was I held the beer in my hands, and warmed it up a bit. I also shook the beer in the bottle just a bit to take some of the carbon dioxide out of the beer. What a difference it made. I believe that on tap, at the right temperature that this beer would have been a much better experience. I could taste all of the flavours and get all of the aromas so much better afterwords. This is definitely not the beer to keep in a fridge and consume right away, best let it warm up a bit in your hands or put it into the fridge about a 1/2 hour before you want to enjoy it.

Quidi Vidi 1892 Traditional Ale
2 / 5

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