Thursday, December 1, 2011

Quidi Vidi Honey Brown

Product:   Quidi Vidi Honey Brown
Producer: Quidi Vidi Brewery
Made In:   St. John's, NL, Canada
Style:       Brown Ale
Alcohol:    5% alc./vol.
Price:       $13.69 / 6pk

     I think for a few years QV not only offered the Honey Brown but a light Honey Brown as well. I would have interested to see how a light version of this beer would have worked out. I learned my lesson with the 1892, so I let the honey brown warm between fridge and room temperature before I opened the bottle.

     The beer poured with an slightly yellowish/brown head which reduced into lacing. The beer is perfectly clear and has a amber-brown colour.

    This beer lives up to its name. You can smell the residual honey mingling with the aromas of sweet malts. The malt almost has a burnt smell, almost toast. I still get the aroma of cooked corn that I have from many other QV products. If you really sniff around for it you can detect a slight floral/hoppyness coming from the beer.

     I think if there was a word to sum up the flavour, it would be robust. It has a very sweet flavour. The flavour has a very earthy flavour and it has burnt flavour aswell. The corn aroma doesn't come through in taste. The hops don't carry much aroma but do have  a nice level of bitterness to compensate for the sweetness left by the non-fermentable sugars in the honey. It has an aftertaste of honey in the back of your throat.

      First it's overcarbonated. But it has a nice medium body. Honey Brown is also mouthcoating.

     Where it is a little sweeter than most beers I don't think that I myself could drink too many before I had had too much of a good thing, and the slightly heavier body of this beer compared to others means that it is quite filling. It's overcarbonated however I don't think in this case that it impedes the drinkability of it. This would be a good beer if you wanted to enjoy 2 or 3 at a time, not a good beer to drink a case of.

     I am in the process of moving back to Nova Scotia, and I didn't have any glasses so I actually ended up drinking and reviewing this beer from a ziploc container, not the classiest way of drinking a beer but you've gotta do what you've gotta do, and all in the name of beer science.

Quidi Vidi Honey Brown Ale
2.5 / 5

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